
    The 18th Rising Star Award

    一、 建立自有的品牌ASSOMA,主要外銷國家為大陸、韓、日本,並擁有全球服務網,提供銷售前、中、後的整合服務,客戶滿意度高,無軸封泵浦產品應用領域廣,未來市場具成長。
    二、 透過「ISO品質系統」、「精實生產」、「流程資訊化」實現品質、成本、交期、服務、速度(QCDSS)的經營訴求。善用財會訂單銷售等管理資訊系統,易管理且能創造客戶價值。
    三、 公司在化工泵浦領域是以OBM為主ODM為輔的經營模式,電動機開發及軸承故障偵測,具技術創新價值。
    四、 導入碳足跡盤查系統具有減緩地球暖化效應、提供產學合作平台且具成效,參與熱心公益及捐款


    ASSOMA INC. has been operating under an OBM strategy since our establishment over 36
    years ago using the “ASSOMA” brand. Our key activities include the development, design,
    production and sales of magnetic drive seal-less pumps and precision filters. The key industries
    we serve include high-tech industries, such as semiconductor, TFT-LCD, PCB, and
    solar, as well as petrochemical and specialty chemical industries, competing directly with top
    pump manufacturers from Europe, America, and Japan. With our OBM strategy, we have
    honed our skills to be consciously aware of changes in industry, customer needs, service
    needs, technology, and management. In an age where industries and economies are
    undergoing rapid changes, we aim to leverage our core competence towards the management
    and future growth of ASSOMA INC.